Please contact the Nurse, Stephanie Fichera via phone: 203-377-7041 or email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Health Office
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your child is to stay home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms
- Fever >100.0℉
- Cough
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
Students may return to school once they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and once they are free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
Students absent for three or more days in a row are required to provide a doctor's note upon their return to school.
Please see the
student handbook for more detailed information on specific illnesses.
In addition to reporting your student absent, you can also report symptoms and treatments to the nurse directly using this QR code
Health Exams
All students entering preschool, kindergarten, and transfer students must have a physical exam and proof of immunizations within 365 days of the start of the school year. Subsequent health examinations in grades three and six must be performed as required by law, and all immunizations must be kept up to date. (See forms to the right). Additionally: All preschoolers are required to have an influenza immunization in order to continue to attend school, proof must be submitted before the deadline in December.
Medication in School
Medication authorization forms will need to be completely filled out by a physician and signed by a parent if your child should receive any medication during the school year. The medication form should be dated from the beginning of the school year until the end of the school year in the format of MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. State Law requires that all medications, including over-the-counter, needs to be brought in the original container labeled with the child's name and is kept in the health office. Parents are asked to deliver any medication directly to the Health Office. Students are not permitted to have medication in their possession at school. Please be aware that each school year, a new medication authorization form needs to be completed. NO medications will be accepted without proper documentation (as stated above). All medications will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian by the last day of school, or they will be discarded.
Saint Catherine of Siena is a tree-nut/peanut-vigilant school. Some classrooms may be designated “Tree Nut/Peanut free” according to the needs of the students in the classroom.
- An allergy action plan (link on the right-hand side of this page) is to be completed by the physician and parent.
- Medication authorization forms (link on the right-hand side of this page) for each medication that must be administered daily or on an as‐needed basis. The parent must obtain the written medication order from an authorized prescriber. A new medication order is required every school year for each medication prescription and non‐prescription (over-the-counter) medication prescribed. Please follow the Trumbull Schools Procedure for requesting medication administration.
- Prescription medication must be in the ORIGINAL PHARMACY LABELED CONTAINER and must be clearly labeled with the student’s name, the authorized prescriber’s name, and the prescription. Over‐the‐counter (OTC) medications must be delivered in an unopened, properly labeled container.
NO medications will be accepted without proper documentation (as stated above). All medications will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian by the last day of school, or they will be discarded.
In order to keep all our students with food allergies safe, we ask that no food be brought into the designated allergen-free classrooms for lunch/snack/celebrations with peanut or tree nut ingredients or from a facility that “makes or produces on equipment shared with peanut or tree nuts.”
SCSS Nurse